Sunday, September 27, 2009

Leadership 101

LEADERSHIP 101: ICMA Conference, September 16, 2009 (Brain Bosshardt and Michele Flaherty)

While this was a good basic review of "leadership", it also provided me with some good ideas and some thoughts on actions I could take.


-Leadership (about PEOPLE): Deals with uncertainly and effusiveness; defines problems, asks questions, creates values-generally long term

-Management ( about THINGS): Deals with complexity, efficiency, programs, systems and processes; solves problems, answers questions, adheres to values, gets things done, generally short term

(this helps answer this question, which always comes up, what is the difference between a leader and a manager!)

A Culture of Leadership
-Fosters collaboration
-Being your own Authority
-Difference between making a life and making a living.

Leadership Skills:

I. Initiative (JUST DO IT!):

-Don't bring problems, bring solutions
-Take more risks
-Learn from mistakes, evaluate and plan next time

A. Stop being an Obstructionist

-Don't "already know it won't work"

B. Speak Possibility

="how can we make this happen"

- "stop venting, lets do something about it"


D. Empower others to initiate

-Push decision -making to the lowest informed level

s -Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

-Good manager delegates technical work to invest time in becoming a better leader

II: Trustworthiness and Credibility (keep promises, underpromise and overdeleiver)

-Honesty is the #1 Leadership trait

-Walk your talk-model desired behavior, ask for feedback

Questions include: "How can I better support you" and "What else would you like from me?" "How can I be a better _______"

III. Shared values: Alignment with vision/values of your boss, organization and self

-Vision: Everyone pulling in the same direction

-Values: Acting in accordance with our principles

QUESTIONS: In order to become a better ________

1. What would you like me to start doing or do more of?

2. What would you like me to Stop doing or do less of?

3. What would you like me to Keep doing?

The handout also included some detailed information on developing a culture of leadership and, especially, delegation. I probably won't have time to review this in any detail, but I will discuss it with my Assistant and see if she and I can prepare some action items on developing a better culture of leadership in our community.

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