Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bloomberg NLC

Michael Bloomberg, NLC, November 16, 2007
I. Vision
a. Strategy
b. Accountability
Accountability is difference between failure and success
Government tends to move resources from things that do work to things that don’t work. (doesn’t make sense)
Accountability: Basis of government success
Keep promises-when wrong, be honest!
People need to have courage to invest in long-term projects-projects that are not going to get done during term (or maybe even this generation!)
Aspects of Accountability
1. Independence
2. Not letting special interests influence decision
3. Courage to try new ideas
Some key thoughts I got out of this keynote speech is:
-Think of the long-term-don’t take the “easy route” of short-term solutions –review and look at long term
-Make up on own mind
-Don’t get in a comfortable rut-try new ideas
-Vision/strategy to meet that vision are important

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