Thursday, December 20, 2007

Internet Video Surveillance

Internet Protocol Video Surveillance-NLC-November 15, 2007 New orleans
-IPVS is designed to integrate
-Keeps options open
-Can scale to future operations
-Not subject to other vendors (not propriety)
IPVS is best.
Pros: Most flexible, program includes GPS system, can control camera from browser
Implementing IPVS
-Identify physical and operational business requirements first
-No Standards!
-Include all Departmetns and outside agencies in the planning phase
-Integrate with as many safety, security and operational applications as possible
-Choice is NON-propriety
-Phase video surveillance iln as with any IT system
-Inform Everyone EARLY
I attended this session since the City of Lakeland is considering a surveillance system. I will investigate this as opposed to the system we currently specifying.

On-LIne Governance

-Democracy (On-line governance), NLC, November 16, 2007
Basic Assumption: Same principles apply to on-line governance as to actual democratic government
NLC.Org (Democratic governance panel)
Leighninger, The Next Form of Democracy
Common pitfalls
-Hoping technology by itself will change the dynamic
-Structuring groundrules can change conversation
-Assuming public officials are “experts”
-Unproductive confrontation
-Believing “if you build it they will come” (same old people will come!)
-Failure to “label and link”
Let people know you heard them and you are listening
-Concentrating on input and not on partnership possibilities (“government can fix that”)
-Invite participants to meet prior to on-line discussions (avoids “inpersonal” etc.)
-Inform how input information will be used (input without stating this may lead to frustration)
-Respond to all input-even if just say “I heard you”
-Information Technology used different at City level
-All forms available on web site
-All policies on web site (that are public record)
-Provide detailed information on issue, ask for response/comments on those parts of the issue
-“E-spam” etc. (Require registration)
-Organized responses
-Allow comments only from residents?
-If post for comments-Emphasize NOT a vote!
FOLLOW UP on comments
Comments: Since we are considering this, this session was especially important. Actually, I talked with our IT person who does our website and she bought up enough problems that I am not considering this any more at this time.

Bloomberg NLC

Michael Bloomberg, NLC, November 16, 2007
I. Vision
a. Strategy
b. Accountability
Accountability is difference between failure and success
Government tends to move resources from things that do work to things that don’t work. (doesn’t make sense)
Accountability: Basis of government success
Keep promises-when wrong, be honest!
People need to have courage to invest in long-term projects-projects that are not going to get done during term (or maybe even this generation!)
Aspects of Accountability
1. Independence
2. Not letting special interests influence decision
3. Courage to try new ideas
Some key thoughts I got out of this keynote speech is:
-Think of the long-term-don’t take the “easy route” of short-term solutions –review and look at long term
-Make up on own mind
-Don’t get in a comfortable rut-try new ideas
-Vision/strategy to meet that vision are important

New Frontiers that Change Everything

ICMA 10/9/07-Dr. Lowell Catlett “New Frontiers that Change Everything”
We have to “observe”, not just “see” changing events.
The world has changed from a “production world” (now excess production) to a “consumer world”.-Luxury items are considered normal.
-Population now wants “self-actualization” (in hierarchy of needs)
-No Retirement (re-engaging, not retiring)
-Living longer and healthier
-Fewer children, being replaced with entertainment, second houses etc.
-Fewer children, being replaced with pets, horses etc. Becoming much more important
-Convenience has become more important than cost-save time is more important
-“people afford what they want”-Price/cost doesn’t matter-they will afford
-IPOD etc. Listen when, where and what you want.
-22-30 year olds-find the place they want to live, then find a job
(Follow-up Workshop)
-Single Women (no significant other) purchasing homes-women at age 60 are 56-44 ratio
-As population ages, decisions made more on emotion than logic (will make a major different in communities)
-Over 50, more concerned with “leaving legacy” (what have done to improve the world etc.)-Good for volunteerism
-“Green has legs”
These trends indicate changes for cities. I feel these trends will spill over to city operations and will affect how cities decide on priorities-if cost is no object and convenience is the key, it will make a difference in how cities conduct business. Also, of course need to consider the changing demographics, the change in technology etc.
We will need to promote “human capital” and consider how to promote the integration of the diversity of groups into a “community”.